2024 Ankush, Phi Long and Ling at the UT Neurosurgery Resident Holiday Party! Dr. Lo public announcement of being promoted to Vice Chair of Research during the Neurosurgery Town Hall Dr. Shivani Bindal giving an oral podium talk on her research work at the Congress of Neurological Surgeons Meeting in Houston in 2024. Dr. Angelina Regua's farewell dinner with the lab at Karahi Boys! Graduation Day for PhD Students Grace Wong and Sarah Manore PhD Defense for Sarah Manore Lab lunch Graduation day for Dr. Austin Arrigo, Dr. Sara Manore and Dr. Grace Wong Lab coat ceremony for Mariana Dr. Lo presenting our lab's poster at the 36th EORTC-NCI-AACR Conference in Barcelona Medical Student Shams Syed presenting his award winning poster at the UT SRP Symposium showcasing his work in the Lo lab PhD Defense for Grace Wong